Tuesday, February 5, 2008


grandmommy & daddy! Keiths beautiful smile!

Josiah lookin' like my twin brother more & more everyday!

Josiah HATES bathtime!

At cousin Lydias blessing

Gettin dressed for the day!

ok, so im really bad at keeping up with this. please forgive me. ive been sick this past week also so its been really hard. along with being sick, been kinda down just because i know i have to go back to work soon! REAL SOON! like i was supossed to go back today, but didn't. also, Keith has gone back to school full time so its been kinda hectic. i really don't have a way of feeding josiah without breastfeeding him. i don't have any saved, haven't tried formula, haven't really even tried giving him a bottle....its all my fault.... but i love that one on one time i get to have with Josiah while im feeding him. today.... for the 1st time, i was talking to him....and he gave this huge smile...(no it wasn't gas this time)...we just talked and smiled for about 10 minutes!...i loved it! He is so beautiful!